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In the midst of everything happening in my life, it’s easy to overlook the things I have to be grateful for. Day 4 of my journey states, “Write down three things you’re grateful for each day to shift your focus from pain to positivity.” So, from here on out, each post will list those three things, either at the start or the finish.

Yesterday, I did extremely well with maintaining no-contact with my abuser. I texted him around 4:45 pm to ask for the time and location of pick-up, as well as the time and location of drop-off for our son, only to be met five hours later with hostility, false accusations, and threats. I am grateful that I kept myself level-headed. It’s so easy to sink to his level, attack, and then try to reason with him, but yesterday, I chose not to. Today, I am choosing to do the same. I am more than willing to cooperate with him, but I will no longer be intimidated or manipulated.


I am grateful for my family here in the area, including my brother’s girlfriend. They have been nothing but welcoming and understanding. I love that when I’m feeling overwhelmed, I can head to my dad’s, which is just a short distance away. They keep me distracted and help entertain my children. It’s wonderful to have that help and amazing to have the distraction of doing activities together to keep my mind off my current situation.

I am also grateful for the family that Coffee. Mom. Repeat. has brought to me. I never would have imagined having such understanding and support from people all over the globe. Thank you for allowing me to share my story, for holding my hand on my healing journey, and for the constant messages telling me that I help you not feel alone as you navigate similar situations.

Feel free to let me know what three things you’re grateful for in the comments. I would love to hear them!

“Even in the darkest moments, finding gratitude illuminates the path to healing and hope.”