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Color Catch – A Timberdoodle Review

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 I received this product from Timberdoodle in exchange for my honest review. I was not required to write a positive review and I was not compensated in any other way.

If you have been following this blog for a while, you know that I utilize Timberdoodle for my daughter’s homeschool curriculum. They have seemed to created the perfect combination of bookwork and hands-on learning. One of our favorite aspects, is the Smart Games that are included. Color Catch being one of them.

Color Catch is recommended for ages 7 to adult. It is a one player game, which helps reinforce independent play and learning. Color Catch includes 60 puzzles, ranging from beginner to expert, increasing in difficulty as you or your child progress.

To begin, select a challenge from the enclosed guidebook. Place the pieces (frogs, salamanders, and bugs) according to the challenge. It is important to note that the colors must match on the board in order to successfully complete the puzzle. If a challenge shows a frog or salamander is shown eating a bug, then the frog or salamander MUST face the direction of the bug, otherwise direction is irrelevant.

I will admit, as a parent, this game did take some getting used to, so the first few puzzles were completed with my daughter. However, she caught on quickly & was able to complete the challenges on her own. She loves the bugs and colors on this game, and I love that it teaches her several cognitive skills, including logic, flexible thinking, planning, concentration, and visual perception.  Color Catch is included in the 7th grade curriculum, however it can be used much earlier than that, if that is what you prefer.

Kiddo says, “I really like how it’s colorful and has animals. I enjoyed matching the animals to their colors. It’s silly that the salamanders and frogs eat the bugs, but that’s what happens in real life! I didn’t like how hard it was at first, but I’m getting used to it!”


When you’re finished, all the pieces neatly tuck into game board — easy clean up!

So, if you’re wanting to add a challenge to your home, I highly suggest grabbing Color Catch you can grab it HERE.

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